TUESDAY, 4 June 2024
A Parish Council meeting was held in the Village Hall, West Burton on Tuesday, 4 June 2024
Present: Miss Jane Ritchie, Mr Andrew Landau, Mrs Sally Sahin, Mr David Dent and Mrs Victoria Whitehead, Councillors, Mrs Susan Ryding, Clerk, and Mr Richard Nolan, Assistant Clerk.
Also present: PCSO Sharon Diamond and Mr Neil Smeeton.
At the beginning of the meeting, Mr Neil Smeeton reported to the Council on his attendance at a recent meeting of a group set up to protect the River Ure. In particular he outline the problems with the overflows into the Bishopdale Beck from the West Burton sewage treatment plant, which are the worst in the area and have caused the Beck to be down-graded by the Environment Agency from ‘Good’ to ‘Moderate’. Councillors discussed possible action that could be taken to rectify this situation, and asked that this matter should be brought forward to the next meeting. Mr Smeeton was thanked for his report.
PCSO Sharon Diamond reported that the police would be on hand in West Burton on the next weekend with good weather to assess the parking situation, and to ask visitors to park considerately, and not on the Village Green.
1. Apologies
There were no apologies, all the Councillors being present.
2. Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest
3. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7 May 2024, having been circulated to all Members, were confirmed as a true copy, and duly signed by the Chairman.
4. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk reported on the following matters:
– Waterfall area
– Repairs
– Council finances
RESOLVED: That the Clerk would continue to monitor the situation to ensure that the leak outside the Chapel had stopped.
5. Winter Gritting
The Chairman reported that she was still waiting to hear back from Mr Edward Dent.
RESOLVED: That this matter should be brought forward for the meeting in September.
6. Renewal of the play area surfaces
The Clerk reported that she had submitted an application for a grant for £3,940 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund/North Yorkshire Council. This represented 80% of the total cost of replacing the play area safety surface under the swings which is £4,925. This sum was a quote received from Rainbow Safety Surfacing Ltd based at Barnoldswick near Skipton, a company recommended by Councillor Victoria Whitehead following her research into costs. The Clerk also reported that Councillor Yvonne Peacock had very kindly confirmed that the sum of £500 would be made available from the Locality Fund, which left a shortfall of £485 that could be met from existing Parish Council funds. The Clerk reported that she had received confirmation that the application had been accepted by UKSPF/NYC and that the decision of the appraisal team would be known in mid to late June.
RESOLVED: That the Council will await the decision of the appraisal team.
7. Management of the payroll
The Clerk reported that she and the Assistant Clerk had attended an appointment with Yorkshire Dales Accountancy in Hawes, and handed over all the information needed for that firm to manage the Council’s payroll. Confirmation of the change-over had been received from HMRC and from the Pensions Regulator. Arrangements now needed to be made with Barclays Bank to make on-line PAYE payments to HMRC by 19 July.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk should arrange an appointment with Barclays Bank for herself, the Assistant Clerk and the Chairman in order to set up on-line banking for the Parish Council
8. Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
The Clerk reported that there were no outstanding amendments needed for Standing Orders. Councillors then considered a draft of the new 2024 Financial Regulations which had been circulated to Councillors before the meeting.
RESOLVED: That, following several amendments, the new version of the Financial Regulations are accepted and approved.
9. Parish Council notice board
Following the deterioration of the existing notice board, Councillors considered various option for a new notice board made from man-made timber, which could be re-sited to the other side of the Smithy. The Clerk tabled details of various options costing in the region of £500.
RESOLVED: That the Council will postpone a decision on this matter until after the outcome of the grant application for the safety surface under the swings is known.
10. Invoices
Cheques in payment of the following invoices were signed:
Eyecatching Signs – £21.60 (VAT £3.60)
Parish Caretaker – £310.01
11. Notice of meetings and reports of meeting attended
Councillors noted the dates of future meetings and reports of meetings attended.
12. Items for the next agenda
RESOLVED: That in addition to any matters mentioned above, the following items should be brought
- Internal audit report
- Parish Caretaker hourly rate
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.35 pm
Date of the next meeting, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall.
Chairman: Jane O Ritchie
Date: 2 July 2024