A Meeting of Burton-cum-Walden Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall, West Burton, on Tuesday, 1 October 2024 at 8.00 pm.
Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 8.00 pm and 8.15 pm at the discretion of the Council.
- To receive apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest.
- To confirm the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 3 September 2024.
- To receive a report from the Clerk on the following matters:
- Correspondence with Yorkshire Water
- Arrangements for Christmas
- Welcome packs
- Council finances.
- To consider further a response to the report on Health and Social Care Issues and Concerns in Wensleydale.
- To review further the emergency procedures following the electricity outage on Friday, 23 August.
- To receive further information on streetlights in West Burton.
- To consider the half-yearly budget summary, bank reconciliation, internal control report and report by the Responsible Financial Officer.
- To consider the provisional setting of the Precept.
- To consider the purchase of a new motor mower for the Parish.
- To consider consultation request no. 7 on the Yorkshire Dales National Park Local Plan
- To consider the following Planning Applications
- R/54/9L for the modification of the Section 106 Agreement at 3 King Garth, West Burton
- R/54/7W for a holiday park reception and office and site-wide lighting plan (retrospective)
- To consider the closure of the Burton-cum-Walden Fundraising Account
- To consider a Risk Assessment for the Bonfire Night event on 2 November 2024
- To consider further repairs to the play area
- To consider the question of land by Flanders Hall
- To receive the following invoices for payment:
- Parish Caretaker – to be confirmed.
- Petrol for generator – £69.60 (VAT £11.68)
- Postage and other expenses – £51.29 (VAT £0.63)
- Online payment – Simon Winstanley (mower repairs) – £497.87 (VAT £82.98)
- To receive notice of meetings and other events.
- To consider items for the next agenda.
S D Ryding
Clerk to the Council
Date: 2 September 2024