– Meetings

Monthly Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council usually meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of every month except August, at 7.30 pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall, West Burton.

Everyone is welcome to attend. The Council sets aside the  first 15 minutes of the meeting to allow anyone who wants to, the opportunity to talk to the Council about anything that is of concern.

A Public Notice of the agenda for the next meeting of Burton-cum-Walden Parish Council is usually published six days before the meeting, which is generally held on the first Tuesday of each month, except in August.  Unless otherwise notified, all meetings take place in the Committee Room of West Burton Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm.  

A copy of this Public Notice is placed on the Notice Board which is located next to the Old Smithy on the Village Green, West Burton.

Parish Council Meeting to be held on 3rd September 2024

Annual Parish Meetings

The Council also holds Annual Parish Meetings where anyone from the parish may bring to the council’s and community’s attention anything they consider important to the people of the Parish. It is also an opportunity for the Parish Council to highlight the achievements over the last year and its future direction and aspirations. Please visit the Minutes page to view or download confirmed minutes.


Contact Details

 Long Farthings, West Burton, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 4JX
 +44 196 9663 551

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