The Annual Parish Meeting was held in West Burton Village Hall on Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 7.30 pm.
Members of the Council present were: Councillors Jane Ritchie, Chairman, Councillors David Dent, Sally Sahin and Victoria Whitehead, and Mrs Sue Ryding, Clerk
Also present: Fifteen residents of the Parish, and Mrs Julie Greenslade, the speaker. The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.
1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 3 May 2022, having been circulated via the website prior to the meeting, were taken as read. Mr Michael Swan proposed and Mr Tony Rossiter seconded that the minutes were a true record, and this was confirmed by all present.
The Chairman commented on various actions that had been taken arising from the minutes of the last meeting. In particular, following on from last year, the Chairman asked again for people who lived alone to leave a key with a neighbour, together with details of someone who could be contacted in case of an emergency.
2. Annual Report, Parish Accounts and points arising
There were no questions or comments on the Annual Report, but the Clerk, as the Responsible Financial Officer, answered a query about the Council accounts.
The Chairman thanked Mr Neil Smeeton for looking after the defibrillator, having taken over from Mr Peter Willerton last year.
3. Coronation celebration
The Chairman outlined the details for the Celebration Lunch on Sunday, 7 May 2023, which would take the form of a bring-and-share lunch. She also told the meeting that the Council would be ordering 25 commemorative £5.00 coins, to be presented to each child in the Parish of the age of 16 or under. In addition a commemorative bench would be ordered, which would be placed at the top of the Green near the Platinum Jubilee bench. She thanked Mr Tony Ellender and Mr Michael Swan for their efforts in putting up the bunting, and reported that more bunting had been ordered for the area at the top of the Green.
4. Talk by Mrs Julie Greenslade
Mrs Greenslade gave a very interesting and informative talk to the meeting on her work with Good Life Project, a community support organisation that had started during the pandemic and had continued. Based in Hawes and Leyburn, this support took many forms to help people of all ages who were in need. In particular she was pleased to announce the purchase of the Little White Car, driven by volunteers, which could help people who would otherwise have difficulty getting to medical appointments.
Mrs Greenslade was thanked by the Chairman for coming to talk to the meeting about this important project, and Mrs Greenslade kindly offered to send further information on the project that could be distributed around the Parish. The Chairman asked that the Parish Council be kept informed of developments and information.
5. Any other business
There were no other matters raised.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05 pm.